Wagner-Watlington Genealogy
The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families
Surname List: Begins with P
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All surnames beginning with P, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. PACE (2) 2. PACKARD (6) 3. PALS (1) 4. PAPPAS (3) 5. PARKER (1) 6. PARKINSON (1) 7. PARRIS (1) 8. PARSONS (1) |
9. PATTERSON (2) 10. PAUL (1) 11. PAYNE (1) 12. PEARSON (2) 13. Pecht (1) 14. PECK (1) 15. PENNYCOFE (1) 16. PENTICOFF (2) |
17. PEPPERS (1) 18. PERKINS (1) 19. PETERS (2) 20. PETERSON (3) 21. PETTY (7) 22. PHILLIPS (3) 23. PICKERAL (2) 24. PINKERTON (1) |
25. PITKIN (2) 26. PITTULO (1) 27. PLEAKE (3) 28. PLOWMAN (1) 29. POLSFUSS (1) 30. POWELL (3) 31. POZZI (3) 32. PRATT (3) |
33. PREWETTE (1) 34. PREWITT (1) 35. PRICE (6) 36. PRIDE (5) 37. PROWANT (1) 38. PRYOR (1) 39. PUGH (1) |