Wagner-Watlington Genealogy
The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families

James PRIDE[1]

Name James PRIDE Born Noble, Richland County, Illinois, USA Gender Male Person ID I02283 Wagner-Watlington Genealogy Last Modified 3 Sep 2006
Father Albert PRIDE Mother Lillie May LESTER, b. 31 Jan 1870, d. Yes, date unknown Family ID F00731 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Notes - James went into the US Calvary as soon as he was of age and retired in Washington State. He had one daughter.
Sources - [S00012] GEDCOM: Dorn Family Tree, Diana Dorn, (http://awt.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:774547&surname=Kline%2C+Joel&ti=5538).
- [S00012] GEDCOM: Dorn Family Tree, Diana Dorn, (http://awt.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:774547&surname=Kline%2C+Joel&ti=5538).