Wagner-Watlington Genealogy
The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families
Family: Emery Foreman KLEIN / Mabel Regina HUFFMAN (F00890)
m. 19 Dec 1917-
Father | Male
Emery Foreman KLEIN
Born 29 Jul 1895 Clifton, Washington County, Kansas, USA Died 10 May 1986 Salina, Saline County, Kansas, USA Buried 13 May 1986 Clifton, Washington County, Kansas, USA Married 19 Dec 1917 Clay Center, Clay County, Kansas, USA Father Henry KLEIN | F00891 Group Sheet Mother Sarah Elizabeth RAND | F00891 Group Sheet
Mother | Female
Mabel Regina HUFFMAN
Born 5 Feb 1901 Kansas, USA Died 13 Dec 1973 Salina, Saline County, Kansas, USA Buried 15 Dec 1973 Clifton, Washington County, Kansas, USA Father John Dexter HUFFMAN | F00763 Group Sheet Mother Katie Adelia KLINE | F00763 Group Sheet
Child 1 | Male
+ Henry Gilbert KLEIN
Born 14 Dec 1921 Clifton, Washington County, Kansas, USA Died 4 Mar 1993 Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, USA Buried 8 Mar 1993 Salina, Saline County, Kansas, USA Spouse Living | F00892 Married
Child 2 | Female
+ Living
Born Died Buried Spouse Jack RIGGS | F00895 Married Spouse Farrel Eugene STOUTIMORE | F00896 Married
Child 3 | Male
+ Melvin Gale KLEIN
Born 11 Jul 1925 Clifton, Washington County, Kansas, USA Died 28 Sep 1985 Smolan, Saline County, Kansas, USA Buried 1 Oct 1985 Salina, Saline County, Kansas, USA Spouse Ruth Mary ANDREWS | F00927 Married 11 Aug 1951 Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, USA