Wagner-Watlington Genealogy
The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families
Family: Oral James SCHMELZER / Living (F00647)
Father | Male
Born 4 Jun 1927 Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois, USA Died 21 Oct 1998 Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois, USA Buried Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois, USA Married Other Spouse Living | F00648 Married Other Spouse Dorothy KERR | F00649 Married 1979 Father Earl Jacob SCHMELZER | F00599 Group Sheet Mother Polly Catherine KLINE | F00599 Group Sheet
Child 2 | Male
+ Living
Born Died Buried Spouse Living | F00650 Married Spouse Connie Lynn HUMPHREY | F00651 Married
Child 3 | Male
+ Living
Born Died Buried Spouse Living | F00655 Married Spouse Sue UNKNOWN [SCHMELZER] | F00656 Married