Wagner-Watlington Genealogy

The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families


Matches 1 to 50 of 73

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S62 "Nebraska, State Census, 1885", index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-14750-2867-36?cc=1810728 : accessed 23 Sep 2014), Cass > Plattsmouth Ward 4 > Population > image 1 of 33.
2 S00040 1850 US Census, PA, Centre, Miles Twp, Pg 51
U.S. Federal Government 
3 S00041 1850 US Census, PA, Centre, Miles Twp, Pg 52
U.S. Federal Government 
4 S00017 1850 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Pg 192
U.S. Federal Government 
5 S00018 1850 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Pg 193
U.S. Federal Government 
6 S00039 1850 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Pg 194
U.S. Federal Government 
7 S00019 1860 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Mifflinburg Post Office, Sh 10
U.S. Federal Goverment 
8 S00036 1860 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Pg 18
U.S. Federal Government 
9 S00009 1870 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Forest Hill Post Office, Sh 6
U.S. Federal Government 
10 S00037 1870 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Forest Hill Post Office, Sh 9
U.S. Federal Government 
11 S00014 1880 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Pg 19
U.S. Federal Government 
12 S00038 1900 Census: Twelfth Census of the United States
U.S. Federal Government 
13 S00020 1900 US Census, PA, Mifflin, Brown Twp, Sh 10A
U.S. Federal Government 
14 S00021 1900 US Census, PA, Northumberlan, Milton, Sh 5B
U.S. Federal Government 
15 S00022 1900 US Census, PA, Union, Buffalo Twp, Sheet 4B
U.S. Federal Government 
16 S00023 1900 US Census, PA, Union, E. Buffalo Twp, Sh 2A
U.S. Federal Government 
17 S00024 1900 US Census, PA, Union, New Berlin Boro, Sh 1A
U.S. Federal Government 
18 S00034 1900 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Sh 5B
U.S. Federal Government 
19 S00025 1910 US Census, MD, Allegany, Flinstone, Sh 3B
U.S. Federal Government 
20 S00033 1910 US Census, PA, Union, Buffalo Twp, Sh 1B
U.S Federal Government 
21 S00026 1910 US Census, PA, Union, Buffalo Twp, Sh 5B
U.S. Federal Government 
22 S00027 1910 US Census, PA, Union, W. Buffalo Twp, Sh 5B
U.S. Federal Government 
23 S00005 1920 US Census, PA, Union, Hartley Twp, Sh 6A
U.S. Federal Government 
24 S00028 1930 US Census, PA, Deleware, Ridley Twp, Crum Lynne, Sh 17A
U.S. Federal Government 
25 S00029 1930 US Census, PA, Northumberland, Turbot Twp, Sh 3B
U.S. Federal Government 
26 S00030 1930 US Census, PA, Union, West Buffalo Township, Sheet 4A
U.S. Federal Government 
27 S59 1940 US Census, PA, Union, West Buffalo Township, Sheet 15
28 S00010 2003 Wagner Family Reunion
29 S00001 Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
30 S58 Ancestry
31 S00008 Betty Collie Information
Betty Collie 
32 S00003 Certificate of Enrollement and Wounding at Wilderness, Virginia, USA
James W Latta 
33 S00050 Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania
34 S00031 Dayley, Kline, and Wagner Family Bible
35 S61 Death Certificate: Edward Heimbach
36 S73 Death Certificate: Elery R Woolsey
37 S66 Death Certificate: Esther Merrill Piper
38 S68 Death Certificate: John F Hassinger
39 S67 Death Certificate: Joseph Calvin Hassinger
40 S72 Death Certificate: Mary Olive Wenrich
41 S71 Death Certificate: Mary Utica Hunt
42 S70 Death Certificate: Samuel Hassinger
43 S60 Death Certificate: William L Anderson
44 S00047 Death of Chas. Kline of West Buffalo Gallant Soldier of the Civil War, Served Two Enlistments
45 S00049 Death of Mr. Benjamin Kline, of Forest Hill.
46 S00044 Deed of Land: Margaret E. Hummel to Susan (Minerva Kline) Wagner
47 S00042 Deed of Land: Susan (Minerva Kline) Kuhns to Sarah Sanders
48 S00043 Deed of Land: Susan (Minerva Kline) Wagner to Union County Commisioners
49 S00012 Dorn Family Tree at ancestry.co.uk
Diana Dorn 
50 S00035 Dorthy I Walter Graduate from Mifflinburg High School

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