Wagner-Watlington Genealogy

The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
51 "The Klines" has Vernon listed with Phoebe Ellen KLINE and Henry Albert GRIFFIN family, but notes that his birth parents are Laura Celestia KLINE and Henry H MELLEN. GRIFFIN, Vernon Nelson (I00945)
52 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I02734)
53 (Medical):At birth KOHL, Eugene Franklin Jr. (I01669)
54 (Medical):Died 8 hours old. KLINE, Vernon Ellis (I01886)
55 (Medical):Died during Basic Training DORN, Donald Clark (I02026)
56 (Medical):Leg amputated after sawmill accident. KLINE, Howard Leroy (I01551)
57 (Medical):Stroke in Jan 1997. KLINE, Gertrude Caroline (I02613)
58 (Medical):The Kline's list birth date as 19 DEC 1969 and death date as 16 JAN 1968. I am assuming that the latter is a mistake, and changed it to 1970 EDGETON, Todd Russell (I01611)
59 (Medical):Weighed 2 pounds at birth.
Had three heart attacks and pneumonia. 
SCHMELZER, Grace Euretta (I01877)
60 18 Sep [Unknown Year] SHUMATE, Dorothy Jean (I03318)
61 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > NorthHeidelberg inaddition to children, also living in home are:
Elizabeth Shaeffer, 7, Pa., David Livers,22,Pa.(miller), Dan Widener,16,Pa.(miller), Cath Leugel,36, Pa.

1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > NorthHeidelberg in addition to children, also living in home is JohnArnold,17,Pa.(miller apprentice), David Livers and his family are livingnext door

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Reading Ward7: Abraham and family are managing the "Hotel" with 21 occupants.Childrenlisted were: Franklin,Levan, James, Abraham, Adam, Mary, Ellen. MatildaKrick,23,Pa was also listed.

1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Reading >District 58: Abraham is listed as retired. Daughter Ellen is living withher parents. Living next door is son, James.Henry is living down thestreet. 
Family (F01172)
62 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Reading NorthWest Ward: Listed in home:
Krick, William 36
" , Sarah 10
" , William 8
" , Mary 7
" , Margaret 4
" , George 1
Shafer, Susan 26
Milswald?, Mary 16

1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Reading >District 50: son, George M.,28, living with them. 
Family (F01178)
63 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Windsor:living with Bennevel Stoyer KRICK, Franklin 'Frank' (I03154)
64 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Windsor:living with Gercon and Helena Deisher. KRICK, Caroline (I03161)
65 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Windsor:living with Solomon and Susanna Mengel. KRICK, Alexander (I03159)
66 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lancaster > UpperLeacock:Living with brother, Peter Krick and family. He and his sisterCatharine are listed as family #289. His Occupation:Butcher KRICK, Henry (I03132)
67 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lancaster > UpperLeacock:Living with brother, Peter Krick and family. She and her brother,Henry are listed as family #289. KRICK, Catherine (I03125)
68 1850 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson:
Krick, Philip 29 Pa
" , Elizabeth 27 Pa
" , Catharine 6 Pa
" , Elizabeth 2 Pa. 
Family (F01098)
69 1860 Census - Freeport, Stephenson Co, IL:
Shows Henry Fetterhoff, age 38, born PA (brother of Simon)

1880 Census - Ridott, Stephenson Co, IL - House #86
Henry Fetterhoff, age 70, born PA, parents born, PA. Living at the home of Benjamin Gieger. At present, no idea who this was, but he was probably related. This could have been a younger brother of Simon's father. 
FETTERHOFF, Henry (I02071)
70 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Cumru:
Isaac Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 51 1808 Pennsylvania Male
Catharine Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 50 1809 Pennsylvania FemaleSamuel Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 33 1826 Pennsylvania Male
John Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 19 1840 Pennsylvania Male
Catharine Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 15 1844 Pennsylvania FemaleAmanda Dunkleberger Cumru, Berks, PA 13 1846 Pennsylvania Female

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Cumru:
Samuel is still living at home, 41 (stone mason)
Isaac's occupation listed as broom maker. He is 65, Catherine, 59. 
Family (F01124)
71 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Spring:
Catherine is listed with her children, Abraham, Peter,William, John,Eliza, Mary. 
FISCHER, Catharine (I03105)
72 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Spring: listedin the home of his mother. no Childen of his listed KRICK, William (I03138)
73 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Windsor:boththeir names spelled with an "E"

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Windsor:
Krick, Alexander 50
, Amilla 35
, Louisa 15
, Franklin 13
, Susanna 11
, Lovina 9
, George 6
, Benjamin 4
, Kate 2
, Elen L 9 months
, Daniel 10 
Family (F01196)
74 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lancaster > UpperLeacock: living in home is also, Mary Wirtz, 9, Pa.

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lancaster > UpperLeacock:Amanda Krick is listed with the family. She was not with them inthe 1860 census. Assume for now she is daughter. Most likely wife toAdam, 23,living at home or Franklin,18, living at home 
Family (F01188)
75 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson
James Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 32 1827 Pennsylvania Male
Caroline Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 27 1832 Female
John Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 8 1851 Male
Willson Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 5 1854 Male
Reuben Price Jackson, Lebanon, PA 12 1847 Pennsylvania Male

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson:
Krick, James 44 Pa farmer
" , Caroline 38 Pa
" , John A 18 Pa works on farm
" , Wilson 15 Pa
" , Ellen 9 Pa
" , Emma 3 pa
" , Cable 8mos pa
Peiffer, Mary 36 Domestic Servant 
Family (F01213)
76 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson
Joseph Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 37 1822 Pennsylvania Male
Elizabeth Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 37 1822 Female
Amanda Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 11 1848 Female
Rebecca Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 10 1849 Female
John Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 8 1851 Male
William Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 8 1851 Male
Elizabeth Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 7 1852 Female
Aaron Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 5 1854 Male
Mary A Krick Jackson, Lebanon, PA 2 1857 Female

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Bethel
Krick, Joseph 46 pa
" , Elizabeth 46 pa
" , William 15, pa
" , Elizabeth 16, pa
" , Aaron 13, Pa
" , Mary A. 11, pa
" , Sarah 6 pa
" , Susan 4 pa
" , Francis 8 pa

1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Bethel >District 121:
Krick, Joseph 51 pa
" , Elizabeth 50 pa
" , William 19 pa
" , Mary A 17 pa
" , Franklin 14 pa
" , Sarah 11 pa
" , Susan 9 pa 
Family (F01212)
77 1860 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson: Inaddition of Richard, Elizabeth and Catharine, Andrew Katterman, 14, Pa isliving in the home.

1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson:
Krick, Richard 48 Pa
" , Eliza 54 Pa
" , Catherine 15 Pa
Weidle, Levi 18 Pa
Frantz, Polly 79 pa 
Family (F01211)
78 1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Reading Ward6: listed in household of Levi, their son.Living next door is John andLevina Krick Family (F01175)
79 1870 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Spring:lvingnext door to brother, Daniel and Eliza. Living with them is Emma Weitzel,11,Pa. (grand daughter) Family (F01182)
80 1880 Census lists George Zellers as Father-In-Law. Assume this is Mary's last name.

Mary A. Zellers can be found in the IGI. Born: 25 May 1836 and Died 9 April 1901 
ZELLERS, Mary Ann (I02397)
81 1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Berks > Sinking Spring> District 66: Richard, 19, is still living at home. Family (F01184)
82 1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lancaster > UpperLeacock > District 115: living with son, Adam. Amanda also living there. KRICK, Peter (I03127)
83 1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Lebanon > Jackson >District 126:
Krick, James 53 Pa
" , Annie M. 53 Pa wife
" , Ellen 20 Pa daughter
" , Emma 13 pa daughter
" , Coval 10 pa son

Next door to James
Krick, Mary 21 pa
" , Wallace 3 pa son
" , Charles 3 mos. (Oct) son
Peifer, Mary 43 pa servant
Batdorff?, Simon 22 pa brother 
Family (F01214)
84 1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Union > Buffalo >District 162: living with daughter, Mary and her family. William Duke. KRICK, William (I03123)
85 1900 Census list Levinia as having had 1 child and none living at home. HAUCK, Unknown (I02537)
86 1900 Census lists a name, but is unlegiable. Looks like Resler...which doesn't look right. HEIMBACH, Ross J. (I01231)
87 1900 Census says birth date is Oct 1874
1930 Census suggest a birth year of ~ 1876 
SHUTT, Emma J (I00591)
88 1900 Census says there are 5 children with 4 living. HUNT, Mary Utica (I00345)
89 1900 U.S. Census • Pennsylvania • Berks • Other Townships: indicates 10children with 5 living.

1920 U.S. Census • Pennsylvania • Berks • Hamburg: living with daughter ,Annie and her husband Frank L. Bowers 
Family (F01198)
90 1900 U.S. Census • Pennsylvania • Lebanon • Other Townships: widower, 73,daughter Rebecca living with him.
KRICK, Joseph (I03174)
91 1920 Census lists Emma Zimmermann (sister-in-law) as 12 b abt 1908. KLINE, John R (I01308)
92 1920 Census states 25 as age and Elva as name. WICKHAM, Eva (I00644)
93 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I01221)
94 1930 Census says that Margaret's parents were born in Germany DIFLO, Margret (I00024)
95 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I01222)
96 2 children: Eddie and Annie THORNTON, William Edward Sr (I00430)
97 2-028-D-1-14 KRICK, Aaron S. (I03163)
98 3rd Child listed on Census is a William ?. Age 13. I'm uncertain about this person. KUHNS, Catherine Anne (I00531)
99 From Whence We Came states that it is possible that Mill was "the daughter of Karenhappuck Shumate [Smoot] conceived after John's death." SHUMATE, Milly (I03290)
THORNTON, Presley (I00177)

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