Wagner-Watlington Genealogy

The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families


Matches 251 to 300 of 376

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
251 Listed as 75 on the 1870 census. UNKNOWN [SHUMATE], Jane (I03216)
252 Listed as Benoval. KLINE, Charles Benjamin (I00572)
253 Listed as Male; however, the wife is listed as a John Parris SHUMATE, Judah (I00165)
254 Listed as Marie A. KLINE, Anna Marie (I02616)
255 Listed as Marie A. KLINE, Anna Marie (I02616)
256 Listed as Saraay in The Viringa Gazette THORNTON, Sarah (I00194)
257 Listed as Tolliver. SHUMATE, Tollison (I03204)
258 Listed on 1930 census, but ages is not legible. WAGNER, Carl Cambrose (I00516)
259 Listed on Sarah UNKOWN's headstone WAGNER, William R (I02419)
260 Listed only as a "newborn" age 1. HAUCK, Isaac A. (I02399)
261 living with Jackson Clarke family UNKNOWN [SHUMATE], Jane (I03216)
262 living with John and Peter Oldham UNKNOWN [SHUMATE], Jane (I03216)
263 Married Clyde Ashdown. Eventually moved to Montana with their three daughters. PRIDE, Dorothy (I02281)
264 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Clarno, WI

Mary and Catherine married Kline brothers. 
MOORE, Mary Jane (I00815)
265 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Hiawatha, KN

Amelia and Phoebe married the Strahan brothers. 
MOORE, Amelia (I02148)
266 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Hiawatha, KN 
STRAHAN, Peter (I02149)
267 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Iowa

Pheobe and Amelia married the Strahan brothers. 
MOORE, Pheobe (I02150)
268 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Iowa 
STRAHAN, James (I02151)
269 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Lawrenceburg, TN
Later returned to Stephenson Co, IL 
MOORE, Sarah (I02146)
270 Married in Stephenson Co, IL
Moved to Lawrenceburg, TN
Later returned to Stephenson Co, IL 
WINTER, Fred B. (I02147)
271 Married in Stephenson Co, PA
Moved to Lawrenceburg, TN 
BOONE, Sophia (I02145)
272 Married John Cunneen 02-19-19??
Eleven Children
Johnny, Rosalie, Connie, Carol, Elaine, Debbie, Nancy, Mickie,
Rita, Bill, Patrick 
DORN, Ella Mae (I01981)
273 Married to Evalyn Watlington who also dies in 1995 of cancer. WATLINGTON, John Dakota (I00335)
274 Married: Spouse Unknown MOORE, Dan (I02190)
275 Mary died and was buried on the plains near Scottsbluff. McBRIDE, Mary (I00593)
276 Mary's age on the 1880 suggest ~1836 as a birth year. ZELLERS, Mary Ann (I02397)
277 Mary's brother was George Englehart (b. 16 Jun 1805) who married Sallie Kline, daughter of Jacob Kline, 6 Jan 1765, d 18 Apr 1849, buried in the old part of Mifflinburg Cemetery.
He (Jacob) had two sons, John (d. IL), and David (d. Hartleton, PA) 
ENGLEHART, Mary Elizabeth (I00555)
278 May also be known as Joseph K. Wagner. WAGNER, Joseph K. (I00520)
279 May also be spelled Koons KUHN, Unknown Male (I00522)
280 May and her husband Art Carpenter-(deceased) live in Carmel, CA. WISKEN, May (I02292)
281 May be the child of Granville and Clarissa. From Whence We Came doesn't specify. SMOOT, Mary Carolina (I03360)
282 May be the child of Granville and Clarissa. From Whence We Came doesn't specify. SMOOT, Ellen (I03362)
283 May be the child of Granville and Clarissa. From Whence We Came doesn't specify. SMOOT, Phoebe Cansadie (I03363)
284 MIA in Korea STAFFORD, Dorrin Samuel (I02968)
285 Moses is possibly a Nickname ADAMS, Moses Jackson (I00466)
286 mother of Adin, and Lucinda Dismong, mother of Nacy, consent. p. 88 UNKNOWN [DISMONG], Lucinda (I00322)
287 mother of Adin, and Lucinda Dismong, mother of Nacy, consent. p. 88 UNKNOWN [GRAY], Nacy (I00324)
288 Moved to Oneco Township, Illinios in 1868.
Pension App 160323, Cert. 114929 
KLINE, Joel (I00559)
289 Moved to Pine River, Cass County, Minnasota, USA in 1901 from Illinois. He was in Oneco, Stephenson County, Illinois, USA about 1868.
Daniel is Ellen's twin.
Daniel is listed as a church "class member" at Forest Hill in 1863, and 1867.
Daniel was also listed as a "class member" in 1865 and 1869. 
KLINE, Daniel L (I00556)
290 Name is listed as Levinia N on the 1900 Census.
Name is listed as Nancy L on the 1910 Census. 
UNKNOWN [HAUCK], Nancy L (I02536)
291 Name unledgible on 1850 Census. HAUCK, A (I02555)
292 NAME:
and hand written transcript. Names are: ??? D.; Mary M; and Jane D. Nance. See Citation 3
THORNTON, Elizabeth Nacy (I00192)
293 NAME:
Deed: 14 Jan 1878
Rec: 17 Aug 1846 
WILSON, Mary S. (I00222)
294 NAME:
Other names listed: Jaquelene (Adkins) (Howell) [wife?] 
SAMUELS, Jack Edward (I00383)
295 NAME:
Present at Appomatax 
SAMUELS, Thomas Howard (I00456)
296 NAME: THORNTON, Wiley (I00213)
297 NAME: THORNTON, Susan (I00214)
298 NAME: GOSNEY, Turner (I00215)
299 NAME: THORNTON, Mary (I00216)
300 NAME: THORNTON, John (I00217)

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