Wagner-Watlington Genealogy
The Genealogy of the Wagner and Watlington Families
Matches 201 to 250 of 376
# | Notes | Linked to |
201 | fam #63 | HUFFMAN, Laura L (I02342)
202 | Frederick died when he was only 50 years old. His oldest son, Emil was 26 andyoungest daughter, Alma was 8 years old. Death Record: Wisconsin Fred Ferdinand Jaehnke Death Date: 04-Feb-1906 County: Jefferson Volume 3, Page, 0154, Reel 038, Image 2965, Sequence #174262 Cause of Death: Trigeminal Neuralgia (think tuberculosis) | JAEHNKE, Frederick F.G. (I01972)
203 | Frederick F.G. Jaehnke's father (? Name) died of Asiatic cholera along with three of his sons in Germany. His name is found on the Marriage Record of his son, Ferdinand F.G. Jaehnke & Mary Banker (09-02-1879). | JAEHNKE, Gottlieb (I01987)
204 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I01002)
205 | From comparing the census records for 1820, 1830, and 1840 it seems that Daniel had 5 more boys and 2 girls. Daniel's parents may be Abraham and Hana Kline. In the above Letter of Assignment, Daniel is acting for Hana. [Letter is dated 21 Jan 1815] The letter further mentions a Margaret and a Mary (under 14 years of age) who may very well be Daniel's sisters. The Letter of Assignment (21 Jan 1815) to Daniel from Abraham requires Daniel to find a guardian for Mary and Margaret (both under 14) who may be his sisters. Daniel was probably married about 1803/1805. | KLINE, Daniel (I00612)
206 | From Family Bible: Harriet died at the age of 14 years 6 months and days. | WAGNER, Harriet M. (I00539)
207 | From Headstone | KLINE, Stephen (I00565)
208 | From Lautalton | HASSINGER, Minnie Viola (I00068)
209 | from Pittsylvania County at time of Son william but previously form Ma ryland | UNKNOWN [WILSON], Eleanor (I00237)
210 | Gale Dorn lived with his Uncle Byron and Aunt Hattie in Harlowton, MT after his folks, Ray and Mabel moved to San Diego. This allowed Gale to graduate from high school with his class. | DORN, Byron (I02040)
211 | Gale Dorn lived with his Uncle Byron and Aunt Hattie in Harlowton, MT after his folks, Ray and Mabel moved to San Diego. This allowed Gale to graduate from high school with his class. | UNKNOWN [DORN], Hattie (I02041)
212 | Gender is uncertain | ADAMS, Gidian (I00309)
213 | George's age on the 1880 suggest ~1804 as a birth year. This is consistent with other siblings whose birth years seem to be -2 to +1 years off during the 1880 census. | ZELLERS, George (I02402)
214 | George's age on the 1880 suggest ~1865 as a birth year. This is consistent with other siblings whose birth years seem to be -2 to +1 years off during the 1880 census. Date of Birth on 1900 Census: Jan 1867 George's age on the 1930 suggest ~1868 as a birth year. | HAUCK, George E (I00471)
215 | Given name is most likely a mis-spelling for Joshua. | SHUMATE, Josua (I00139)
216 | Given name is uncertain. | AUSTIN, Exie Ina (I00403)
217 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I00788)
218 | Gordon married Sarah Pride and had six children. All six children currently reside in Canada. | SMITH, Gordon (I02285)
219 | Green Belt Karate | TSURUDA, Faith Masami (I01997)
220 | Harriet was living in Jacksonville, Centre, PA, USA in Dec of 1868. John and Harriet were married by Rev. Eli Stambaugh in the house of her uncle, Daniel Ettinger, in Logansville, Clinton, PA. Rev Stambaugh was a minister of the German Reformed Church. ---Notes not from The Kline's---- Surname variations may include: Boorgard, Bourngard, or Broomgourd John Kline died as part of the 142nd PA Vol. | BRUMGARD, Harriet (I00525)
221 | Have also seen name listed as Anna Margaret ?? | BUNSH, Maria Gretha (I02083)
222 | Henry died at birth. | FETTERHOFF, Henry (I02065)
223 | Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania Volume I,Chicago,J. H. Beers & Co., 1909, pg 627 Peter, the youngest son of Frantz Krück, was born June 27, 1756, and diedJuly 31, 1829. He was a soldier in the Revolution in the 8th Company, 6thBattalion, and saw active service. He was known as "School Teacher" Peterand taught school near Sinking Spring, and was also teacher and"Forsinger" at the Muddy Creek Church. He m. Catharine Rader, and was thefather of a large family, as follows: Rachael m. Henry Young; Elizabethm. John Salladay; Katharine m. Philip Getz; John m. a Hornberger; Leliam. Frederic Auman; Susanna m. Jacob Buchart; Mary m. Rudy Miller; Adam m.Catharine Fisher, and lived at Reading; Barbara m. Daniel Neff; Magdalenam. John Luft; Christianna m. a Rupp; Jonas moved to Hollidaysburg;William moved to Hamburg; Peter moved to Lancaster; John Jacob. | KRICK, Johann Peter (I03032)
224 | Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania Volume I,Chicago,J. H. Beers & Co., 1909, pg 627 Philip was captain of the 8th Company, Berks County Militia, Aug. 5,1777, to Jan. 5, 1778. This company joined the army after the battle ofBrandywine and took part in the battle of Germantown. No doubt he spentthe winter at Valley Forge. We have no record of his family. | KRICK, Philip (I03024)
225 | IMMI: _ALT_BIRTH Y | STOUDEN, Anna Catherine (I03003)
226 | In 1868 Lewis was living in the Soldier's orphans School at McCallisterville and Jacksonville. Wesley UMC church listed Lewis and Margaret A. Kline as probationers at Forest Hill, in Feb 1871 and members in 1877. Also listed as members of William Lorh's Sunday School Class in 1884-5 and members in 1906. L. Kline listed on Music Committee in Quarterly Conference Report of Jan 1872. | KLINE, Lewis (I00527)
227 | In 1897, Anna Gowe Herms was united in marriage to Joseph William Dunlap. Anna was the daughter of J.C. and Elizabeth Herms of Neosho, Missouri; the father a native of New York; the mother of Wisconsin. The parents then resided in Missouri. Anna was highly accomplished, having graduated from a prominent Missouri college. She was the mother of two children, Helen Ethene and Thelma E. (Published in "The History of North Washington" in 1904) | HERMS, Anna Gowe (I02301)
228 | Information from headstone of Maragaret Heimbach | WISE, Unknown Male (I02438)
229 | Information should be listed on page 67 of "The Kline's," but that page is missing. | TETER, Gladys Amanda (I01122)
230 | Information should be listed on page 67 of "The Kline's," but that page is missing. | TETER, Robert Guy (I01123)
231 | Irwin Riske and his wife Leota Wisken (Riske) currently live in Las Vegas, NV. They have a son in Beaverton, CA and a daughter in Las Vegas. | RISKE, Irwin (I02294)
232 | Isaac's age on the 1880 suggest ~1869 as a birth year. This is consistent with other siblings whose birth years seem to be -2 to +1 years off during the 1880 census. | HAUCK, Isaac A. (I02399)
233 | J..could be a T. Unable to tell. | GUTHERIE, J (I00314)
234 | James went into the US Calvary as soon as he was of age and retired in Washington State. He had one daughter. | PRIDE, James (I02283)
235 | Jean de la Chaumette was a widower. This is his first, unkown, wife. | UNKNOWN [DE LA CHAUMETTE], Unkown Female (I02981)
236 | John H. Fetterhoff shows up on the 1880 Census, in Republic Co, Kansas, age 45, born PA, parents born PA (brother of Simon) | FETTERHOFF, John H. (I02076)
237 | John's age on the 1880 suggest ~1869 as a birth year. This is consistent with other siblings whose birth years seem to be -2 to +1 years off during the 1880 census. 1900 Cenus states Aug 1878 | HAUCK, John C. (I02401)
238 | Land deed records dated April 8, 1854 show that William and wife Eliza lived in Richland County. He is buried in Sutterfield Cemetery in Decker Township, Richland County, Illinois. | DUNLAP, William (I01983)
239 | Last known address: 2929 South Waterford Drive #429 Spokane, WA 99203-4406 509-534-4352 | DUNLAP, Marjorie (I02316)
240 | Last known to live in Lawrenceburg, TN | MOORE, William R. (I02144)
241 | Last name could be Rudder | RUDDE, E (I00298)
242 | Last name is unclear | MOORFIELD, E. (I00374)
243 | Leonard moved to California as a young man and had two girls. He died in late1980's. | WISKEN, Leonard (I02289)
244 | Leota and her husband Irwin Riske currently live in Las Vegas, NV. They have a son in Beaverton, CA and a doughter in Las Vegas. | WISKEN, Leota (I02291)
245 | Leota married Arthur Wisken of England. They had four children. 1) Leonard moved to California as a young man and had two girls. He died in late 1980's. 2) Lillian moved to Northern Manitoba with husband Charles Stockham. All six of their children currently reside in Canada. 3) Leota and her husband Irwin Riske currently live in Las Vegas, NV. They have a son in Beaverton, CA and a daughter in Las Vegas. 4) May and her husband Art Carpenter-(deceased) live in Carmel, CA. | PRIDE, Leota (I02287)
246 | Lillian moved to Northern Manitoba with husband Charles Stockham. All six of their children currently reside in Canada. | WISKEN, Lillian (I02290)
247 | Lillie May was raised by her grandmother Eliza Dunlap after her mother Sarah died very young. Lillie May married Albert Pride, also of Noble, Illinois. In 1910, Albert took up the challenge of homesteading in Saskatchewan, Canada. Lillie May wasn't impressed but she reluctantly brought her four children to start fresh. Albert and Lillie May had marital problems but eventually they reunited and settled near Seattle. | LESTER, Lillie May (I02279)
248 | List as 16 when died of Typoid fever. | THORNTON, Sarah E. (I00229)
249 | List death on 2 sept 1861 and that he was 49 | THORNTON, Thomas J. (I00259)
250 | listed as 21 when died from typhoid fever | THORNTON, America (I00230)